Xeno— Crypto Mining NFT Project Summary

Xeno Mining by Dogface Labs
4 min readJan 14, 2023

All information provided within this project summary does not constitute financial advice. Do your own research before entering into the Xeno project. No returns are guaranteed, which can be subject to the overall market conditions. Details are subject to change.

Basic Info

Blockchain: Ethereum

Website: https://www.xenomining.com
Whitepaper: https://www.xenomining/whitepaper
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/dogface

Xeno is a collection of 4018 NFTs drawn by professional artist and retired Army Veteran E. Anthony Lees.


Xeno will be a project that will be focused on generating a stable passive income for holders while driving systemic change for veterans and 1st responders. The project’s initial cash flow will be generated using a crypto mining and renewable energy.

Xeno will diversify it’s mining farm with BTC, Litecoin, Doge and Kadena miners being purchased with 85% of mint revenue. 15% of mint revenue is allocated to the treasury to support the set up of the miners.

40% of mining profits will be paid out to holders, 30% will be used to purchase more miners and increase the farm, 20% will be paid into the multi-sig community wallet and will be used to generate more income for holders through nodes and other high return investments. A major difference with Xeno is that 10% of profits will be used to build a mining facility and leisure retreat for holders. The retreat will double as a therapy retreat that will provide mental health support and accomodation to struggling veterans and first responders.

The Xeno roadmap also includes a P2E game launch, Metaverse land access, tactical weapon training, self defence, masterclasses/seminars held by industry professionals, and IRL events at the retreat.

Project Revenue Streams

Xeno will purchase a strategic balance of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Doge and Kadena miners to generate returns for holders and ensure continued growth.

Renewable Energy Mining Farm (Primary income flow):
- Year 1 Expected Net Profit: $413,449
- Year 2 Expected Net Profit: $2,219,608
- Year 3 Expected Net Profit: $5,079,260
- Year 4 Expected Net Profit: $7,112,715
- Year 5 Expected Net Profit: $10,127,440
- TOTAL 5 YEAR NET PROFIT: $24,952,472

The project will continue to add miners to the project and upgrade miners as new technology becomes available using treasury funds. The values provided above may be subject to change depending on BTC, Litecoin, Doge and Kadena price fluctuations. We estimates a 20–40% difference in the actual net profit.

The project revenue streams will start with the renewable energy powered crypto mining farm and will start other revenue streams as the community wallet grows. Diversified investment will be into nodes, branded whiskey, tiny homes and a Bluechip NFT vault.

The collection has a fixed 7.5% creator fee for every NFT trade on Opensea which will also play a role in providing cash flow and liquidity. (20% Community wallet, 40% Mining farm, 30% Project development, 10% Veteran Causes).

The Garrison Club — Holder Retreat

Abridged from the White Paper

Xeno donates 10% of revenue across all collections to it’s charitable trust. The revenue from Xeno Mining will be used to build the Holder Retreat and Veteran Therapy Center. Xeno will build a retreat in a crypto friendly state in the United States to provide non-profit services to veterans and first responders where the need is highest. We will purchase land with an build a renewable energy mining farm. This land will eventually become our
northern hemisphere commercial headquarters. Xeno will provide the following:

HQ Offices
Shared space for all Collection Holders
Renewable Energy Mining Facility
Merchandise Warehousing
Conference Center
Blockchain Learning Center
Tactical Range (Training Facility)
Situation Room (Whiskey lounge)
Hiking, Fishing & Camping
Organic fruit & vegetable garden
Grass fed beef ranch

Not For Profit:
Physical therapy
Psychological therapy
Shelter & housing assistance
Employment & job assistance

Previous and Future NFT Collections

Xeno is the 3rd collection in the Dogface Army Story & Lore. Dogface is the first and largest Veteran and First Responder NFT community on the blockchain with 2 sold out projects. The entire community resides inside one Discord Server

Project 1: Dogface OG Battalion
Project 2: Dogface 2nd Battalion

There are 4 future collections planned. These projects will produce increased for all holders. All 4 collections will contribute to the mission to create systemic change for Veterans and First Responders globally. The future collections are First Responder, Navy, Air Force & Militia.

Staking & Tokenomics

Xeno has the native token $AMMO attached to it’s overall utility. $AMMO has a 4 Billion supply.

$AMMO is a deflationary token that can be earned through staking any of the 7 collections including Xeno. 36% of the token supply is allocated for staking rewards across all 7 collections. Staking is currently live for previously minted out NFT collections. Xeno will be added to the staking pool upon the launch of the project. Liquidity pool and detailed staking information can be found inside the Xeno Community Discord

Brief Conclusion

Xeno is set to be a Bluechip project in the NFT space and has a very well-planned roadmap. The team is fully doxxed and very experienced in the crypto mining and NFT sector. What sets Xeno apart from other NFT projects is the diversified crypto mining token allocation, $AMMO token, two previously sold out collections and the Garrison Club Retreat that will provide real world help to Veterans and First Responders.



Xeno Mining by Dogface Labs

Xeno Mining is a renewable energy crypto mining NFT project driven by a community of veteran and 1st responder supporters. BTC, Kadena, Litecoin and Dogecoin